
Monday, May 21st

Kerrie has had an interested day today..there was this organization at the hospital and they came and did make-overs for the patients and their care givers,so Mom and Kerrie got “made over”, were given a whole bunch of Clinic and Lancome products and even got serenaded from a retired opera singer. Their make-up artist was a retired opera singer, who did work with theatrical make-up and had come with the organization to do make-overs with the patients. He sang to Mom and Kerrie… and Kerrie thought he was great.

Around 6:00pm, I called her to see how her day had been..

“Hi Kerrie, How are you?”

“I’m pretty good. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m OK. Very tired.. but happy to talk to you.”

“Well, maybe you should take the rest of the day off then.”

“Kerrie, that’s not a bad idea. Maybe I will. You look nice today.”


“You look nice today. I really like how your make-up looks.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I’m standing in your window!”


God, I loved the look on her face when she looked up and saw me in the doorway. It was worth busting my butt all weekend, running around all morning, and practically killing myself to get here.. ( and Marce I did it all with a smile.. DAY 3! Woo Hoo…)

We had dinner, watched Jeopardy and now we’re having a little slumber party.. lights off, TV on benedryl, hydrocortozon and tylenol ( not me.. her..) and the dilauded at 9:00pm ( Again.. her, not me.. but I tried to see if they would give me some too).

Ahhh… 9:00pm and I can actually go to sleep instead of thinking about leaving work in a few hours. 9:00pm and I can lay around with my bestest sister! Thanks, Noelle, for making it possible ( you know why!)

Time for me to get back to our slumber party!



  • admin

    Hi Jenn,
    Looks like you got the computer working at the hospital…… Good, now maybe I can catch up on my emails……………watch out folks, here I come!’

    Love ya
    Joan aka Mom

  • chris

    Hey Jenn, maybe if you could crush up the meds and smoke them in a waterbong, it would seem like more of a party? Just a thought. Talk to you later.